Introduction to Data Structure & Algorithms in Java - Part 2

Introduction to Data Structure & Algorithms in Java - Part 2

Data Structure

Linked Lists

What is a linked list?

graph LR head(1) --next node--> node1(2) node1 --next node--> node2(3) node2 --next node--> null(Null)

Implementing a linked list in Java

public class Node<T> { private T data; private Node<T> nextNode; public Node(T data) { = data; } public void setData(T data) { = data; } public T getData() { return data; } public Node<T> getNextNode() { return nextNode; } public void setNextNode(Node<T> nextNode) { this.nextNode = nextNode; } @Override public String toString() { return; } } public class LinkedList<T> { private Node<T> head; public Node<T> getHead() { return this.head; } public void addAtStart(T data) { Node<T> newNode = new Node<T>(data); newNode.setNextNode(this.head); this.head = newNode; } }

Inserting a new node

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  • addAtStart(data): O(1)

Length of a linked list

public int length() { if (head == null) return 0; int length = 0; Node<T> curr = this.head; while (curr != null) { length += 1; curr = curr.getNextNode(); } return length; }

Deleting the head node

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  • Delete head: O(1)

Searching for an item

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  • Search data: O(n)

Doubly ended lists

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  • We track the tail
  • We can add a new node from head or tail

Inserting data in a sorted linked list

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  • Insert data: O(n)

Doubly linked list

Doubly linked Node
Doubly linked list
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Stacks and Queues


  • stacks using array
  • peek: read the value of topmost element in the stack without removing it
  • pop: read the value of the topmost element in the stack and remove it
  • push: add new data at the top of the stack
Double Ended Queues (DEQueues)
  • DeQueues using arrays
  • queues using arrays
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Abstract data types

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Implementing stacks using arrays

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maxSize = 9; int[] stackArray = new int[maxSize]; int top = - 1;
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  • push(7)
    • O(1)
  • peek(): return 7
    • O(1)
  • pop(): return 7 and also decrease the value of top
    • O(1)


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  • enqueue: insert an element in the queue from the tail towards the head
  • dequeue: remove an element in the queue from the head of the queue

Queues using arrays

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maxSize = 8; int[] queueArray = new int[maxSize]; int head = -1 int tail = -1
  • enqueue(8)
  • enqueue(12)
enqueue(17); enqueue(73)
enqueue(3); enqueue(98)
  • enqueue(27)
  • enqueue(9)
  • Math.abs(tail index - head index): number of items
  • This is circular queue

Double-ended queues

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Double-ended queues using an array

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  • Insert right (7)
  • Insert right (12)
  • Insert left (14)
maxSize = 8; int[] queueArray = new int[maxSize]; int head = -1 int tail = -1
  • Insert right(7)
  • Insert right(12)
  • Insert left(14)
  • Insert left(9)
  • Insert left(15)
  • delete Left(15)



  • Implement factorial
  • How the recursion call stack works
  • Implement Tower of Hanoi
  • Implement Merge Sort algorithm
Euclid’s Algorithm
Calculating Factorials - Iterative way
public int gcd(int a, int b) { if (b == 0) return a; return gcd(b, a%b); }
public int factorial(int n) { int result = 1; for(int i =1; i<=n; i++) { result *= i; } }

Understanding recursion

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public int factorial(int n) { if (n == 0) return 1; return n * factorial(n-1); }

Tail recursion

public int tail_factorial(int n, int result) { if (n == 0) return result; return tail_factorial(n-1, n*result); } public int factorial(int n) { return tail_factorial(n, 1); }

Tower of Hanoi

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  • move(n, ‘A’, ‘C’, ‘B’)
    • move(n-1, ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’)
    • Print “Moving disc n from A to C”
    • move(n-1, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘A’)

Tower of Hanoi: Implementation

/** * It takes exponential time. * For n discs, number of moves are (2^n)-1 * Number of moves - [1->1, 2->3, 3->7, 4->15, 5->31...] */ public class TowerOfHanoi { private static int numOfMoves = 0; public void move(int numberOfDiscs, char from, char to, char inter) { if (numberOfDiscs == 1) { System.out.println("Moving disc 1 from " + from + " to " + to); numOfMoves++; } else { move(numberOfDiscs - 1, from, inter, to); System.out.println("Moving disc " + numberOfDiscs + " from " + from + " to " + to); numOfMoves++; move(numberOfDiscs - 1, inter, to, from); } } public static void main(String[] args) { TowerOfHanoi toh = new TowerOfHanoi(); toh.move(5, 'A', 'C', 'B'); System.out.println("Number of moves: " + numOfMoves); } }

Merge sort

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Merge sort: Pseudocode

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MergSort(A, start, end) if start < end middle = Floor[(start + end)/2] MergeSort(A, start, middle) MergeSort(A, middle+1, end) Merge(A, start, middle, end)

Merge step: Pseudocode

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Time complexity of merge sort

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  • O()

Binary Search Trees

The tree data structure

Sorted Arrays
Linked List
Fast O(log(n))
Slow O(n)
Slow O(n)
Fast O(1)
Slow O(n)
Fast O(1)
flowchart TD n1((root)) --- n2((2)) n1 --- n3((3)) n1 --- n4((4)) n2 --- n5((5)) n3 --edge--- n6((6)) n3 --- n7((node))
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Binary trees

flowchart TD n1((data)) --left--> n2((data)) n1 --right--> n3[null] n2 --> n5[null] n2 --> n8[null]
flowchart TD n1((1)) --- n2((2)) n1 --- n3((3)) n2 --- n5((5)) n2 --- n8(8) n3 --- n6((6)) n3 --- n7((7))

Binary search trees

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public class TreeNode { private Integer data; private TreeNode leftChild; private TreeNode rightChild; public TreeNode(Integer data) { = data; } public void insert(Integer data) { if (data >= { // insert in right subtree if (this.rightChild == null) this.rightChild = new TreeNode(data); else this.rightChild.insert(data); } else { // insert in left subtree if (this.leftChild == null) this.leftChild = new TreeNode(data); else this.leftChild.insert(data); } } public TreeNode find(Integer data) { if ( == data) return this; if (data < && leftChild != null) return leftChild.find(data); if (rightChild != null) return rightChild.find(data); return null; } } public class BinarySearchTree { private TreeNode root; public void insert(Integer data) { if (root == null) this.root = new TreeNode(data); else root.insert(data); } }

Finding an item in a binary search tree

public TreeNode find(Integer data) { if (root != null) return root.find(data); return null; }

Inserting an item in a binary search tree

public void insert(Integer data) { if (root == null) this.root = new TreeNode(data); else root.insert(data); }

Deleting an item: Case 1 - delete a leaf node

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Deleting an item: Case 2 - delete node has one child

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Delete an item: Case 3 - delete node has two children

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Delete an item: Soft delete

public class TreeNode { private Integer data; private TreeNode leftChild; private TreeNode rightChild; private boolean deleted = false; public TreeNode(Integer data) { = data; } public void delete(){ this.deleted = true; } }

Finding smallest and largest values

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public Integer largest() { if (this.root != null) return root.largest(); return null; } public Integer smallest() { if (this.root != null) return root.smallest(); return null; }

Tree traversal: In order

flowchart TD classDef blue fill:#055C9D,stroke:#000,color:#000 n1((52)) --- n2((33)) n1 --- n3((65))
  1. Traverse the left sub tree
  1. Visit the root
  1. Traverse the right sub tree
    1. 33 52 65
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Tree traversal: Pre order

flowchart TD classDef blue fill:#055C9D,stroke:#000,color:#000 n1((52)) --- n2((33)) n1 --- n3((65))
  1. Visit root
  1. Traverse the left sub tree
  1. Traverse the right sub tree
52 33 65
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Tree traversal: Post order

flowchart TD classDef blue fill:#055C9D,stroke:#000,color:#000 n1((52)) --- n2((33)) n1 --- n3((65))
  1. Traverse the left sub tree
  1. Traverse the right sub tree
  1. Visit root
33 65 52
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Unbalanced tree vs. balanced trees

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Height of a binary tree

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Time complexity of operations on binary search trees

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  • Search item = O()
  • delete item = O()
