Other Sorting AlgorithmsIntroductionQuicksortQuicksort: The partitioning stepShell sortShell sort exampleCounting sortRadix sortBucket sortHeapsIntroductionDelete the rootInserting an item in a heapHeaps as priority queuesRepresenting heaps using arraysHeap sortBuilding a heapHashtablesIntroductionDirect access tablesHashingResolving collisions through chainingThe hash functionOpen addressing to resolve collisionsStrategies for open addressingTime complexity: Open addressingReferences
Other Sorting Algorithms
- Quick short
- Shell sort
- Counting sort
- Radix sort
- Bucket sort
- Worse case: O(
- Average case: O()
Quicksort(A, start, end) if start < end pivot = Partition(A, start, end) Quicksort(A, start, pivot-1) Quicksort(A, pivot + 1, end)
Quicksort: The partitioning step
Partition(A, start, end) pivot = A[end] i = start for j = start to end - 1 if A[j] <= pivot exchange A[i] with A[j] i += 1 exchange A[i] with A[end] return i
Shell sort
- Assume we are sorting this array using the Insertion sort
- After a few steps, we have the left items sorted
- Now, we need to insert 10 into the left-sorted items
- We have to move all those sorted items to the right
- Instead of sorting all items, we do sort a few items with a gap = 3
- And continue sorting with other items with gap = 3 until gap times
- How do we choose the gap?
- we often choose a big gap, ex: 121
- Then we reduce the gap until 1
Shell sort example
- Assume we have array with 100 items need to be sorted
- We choose gap = 40
- So, there are 3 items at index 0, 40, and 80 will be sorted
- Then loop them for other items with same gap 40
- After first iteration, the result looks like this one on the left
- Next iteration, we reduce the gap to 13
- And do same for gap = 4
- In the last iteration, the gap = 1
- We will sort all items
- We often choose insertion sort
- shell sort time complexity: O() - O()
Counting sort
Sorting in Learning Time
- Counting sort
- Radix sort
- Bucket sort or bin-sort
- Assume we need to sort the marks of students
- We know that the values of marks are only from 0 to 10
- n is number of items of array need to be sorted
- k is distinct values of items in the array and k very very small compared to n
- O(n)
Radix sort
- Assume we have 6 items
- Each item have 3 digits
- First, we sort items by unit digits
- Then, we sort items by ten digits
- Finally, we sort items by hundreds digits
- O(n)
Bucket sort
- we found that data need to sort are only up to hundreds
- Go through linked list to sort them
- This is complete binary tree
- This is an incomplete binary tree
- A heap is a binary tree which is
- complete
- every node’s key is larger than or equal to the keys of its children
Delete the root
- Delete the root is very often if the heap is priority queue
Inserting an item in a heap
Heaps as priority queues
- Assume we change key from 10 to 25
- We need to fix the heap
- Time complexity to fix it is O()